by indonesiaplasticfactory | Aug 12, 2022 | Biodegradable Bag, Cassava Bag
Plastic waste is abundant and the environment because the environment cannot decompose quickly. Its massive use in various sectors results in a lot of production and the production of untreated waste. One alternative to reduce the use of plastic is to replace it with... by indonesiaplasticfactory | Aug 12, 2022 | Biodegradable Bag, Cassava Bag
Indonesian Biodegradable Bag in Turkey. Plastic waste continues to be the main cause of environmental pollution, both land and sea pollution. In 2020, it was recorded that there were around 34 million tons of waste generated throughout Indonesia and 17% of it was... by indonesiaplasticfactory | Jul 12, 2022 | Biodegradable Bag, Cassava Bag
Biodegradable plastic bags have been discussed since the emergence of the campaign to reduce the use of plastic in everyday life. It is a plastic bag that made from natural materials and we can recycle it. Indonesia Biodegradable Bag in Qatar provides various sizes of... by indonesiaplasticfactory | Jul 12, 2022 | Cassava Bag, Biodegradable Bag
Plastic is one of the crucial human needs. Plastic is not a basic human need, but it can be found in all lines of human life. As the human population and consumption increase, plastic waste is become more inevitable. It takes at least 50 to millions of years for... by indonesiaplasticfactory | Jul 12, 2022 | Cassava Bag, Biodegradable Bag
We certainly often hear the term biodegradable bag? The purpose of the innovation is to suppress the increase in the world’s plastic waste. Indonesia Biodegradable Bag in New Caledonia supports the use of environmentally friendly plastics, especially by... by indonesiaplasticfactory | Jul 12, 2022 | Biodegradable Bag
urrently, biodegradable bag is one of the environmentally friendly alternative that need to be taken into account. Do not rule out, biodegradable plastic will be a substitute for conventional plastic in the future. Indonesia Biodegradable Bag in Brunei is one of the...